The Abbey Resort

Immersion VR

Product Lead
Project Type
iPadOS App
Immersion VR


With the rise of Virtual Reality hardware sets, countless VR arcades have spawned across the nation. One of the main challenges with this tech is the need to have a fully staffed team to maintain and onboard customers.

The Abbey Resort approached us to implement a new system for VR arcades. To improve the user experience, we developed a custom iOS application to communicate with the HTC Vive to launch, maintain, onboard customers.

What I did

  • Project sale to The Abbey Resort
  • Client communication
  • User research
  • Wireframing
  • UX design
  • Hardware integration testing (HTC Vive)
  • VR arcade space design & installation
The Before: Original arcade room location at The Abbey Resort
The After: VR bay with the Immersion App operating the HTC Vive

Play testing the Immersion App with VR Headsets

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